After months of planning, the day finally came and woohoo! I finally got here. Melbourne. Well, I studied on the other side of the globe from here so I never had the chance to visit this beautiful city all these while. After many promises and numerous let downs, I decided to come over and visit my friends. They are all of quality, that I need not name, you know who you are.

Many of my friends had ugly experiences with Air Asia and I personally thought it was awesome. Had a couple of beers and peanuts and I was in Melbourne. Buzzinga! It was terribly boring because I flew alone. MY GOODNESS. 9 holy hours on the plane, no form of entertainment besides watching air stewardess' ass walking up and down the aisle. 9 hours makes hot ass boring. But thank God I bought the 25 bucks seat. was worth every penny.

Even had a foot stool. Awesome eh?

My U2 Ipod was ever faithful and served me all the way through out the journey. Yes, it has horns

After all the hassle getting the luggage and going pass the green lane. My friend that was waiting for me at the airport took me for supper. Had a cooler version of Kebab, they call it Lamb Slouvaki here. and more beer. Right outside the Stalactites, the greek restaurant, was this JZX100. Immediately I grabbed my camera and snapped. In front of the Chaser was this, SWEET.
180, done right.

After the meal i came out and WHAT! another 180. This one rather stock and clean looking. Nothing to drool about really but its good to have one of this to start with. Neat.
Anyway, I've to rest for abit. Absolutely knackered from all the walking today. Feels like I clocked a month's worth walking here today. Pampered by the convenient Malaysian road system. :p


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